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Ambition 5 Strengthening businesses and creating more good-quality jobs

We have bold plans for the Nottinghamshire economy. Not only are we helping businesses grow and be more profitable, but we're shaping them to be more sustainable, too. These actions will benefit everyone, but we want to particularly support those communities that would benefit most from better job opportunities.

Brexit and the pandemic have thrown up some challenging situations for both new and long-standing businesses. But there are also some exciting opportunities. We’re seeing new markets, trading links and supply chains emerge, and businesses are transforming. Robotics, automation, data and digital are changing how businesses operate, and there are new green technologies and practices developing to boost sustainability. By helping make local businesses more green, sustainable and digital, we’ll boost jobs, help Nottinghamshire recover from the pandemic and support the UK's Net Zero sustainability goals.

Our Council also has an important role to play in supporting the adult social care and early years sectors. Our work in strengthening and supporting these local businesses will help us meet the needs of those in adult care and families with young children, and create more job opportunities. Overall, our plan for Nottinghamshire’s economy will help both our businesses and our communities, so we can work towards a greener, more prosperous future.

The Big Notts Survey

  • Nearly 70% of businesses responding to the Big Notts Business Survey had been negatively affected by the pandemic. Just over 20% had experienced a positive impact.
  • 1 in 5 businesses (21%) were pessimistic about the future. Over 1 in 3 (34%) felt confident, and the majority (45%) said their businesses felt stable.
  • Businesses told us they will need a wide range of help and support. Most needed financial support, but they also needed support with recruitment and managing a reduced income.
  • Over 1 in 4 (27%) respondents to the Big Notts Survey said access to job opportunities was one of their top priorities for Nottinghamshire. A similar proportion (26%) of young people said the same.

Over the next four years we will:

We’ll support the Nottinghamshire economy through delivering our COVID-19 Recovery Action Plan [PDF], ensuring that our work responds to the changing demands of our communities.

We’ll strengthen our support to Nottinghamshire businesses in partnership with the D2N2 Growth Hub. This will help them navigate economic challenges and make the most of recovery opportunities. We’ll also help them take advantage of Government funding, like the Levelling Up Fund, the Community Renewal Fund and the upcoming UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

We’ll offer regulatory guidance and support services to Nottinghamshire businesses, so they can innovate and be compliant with changing legislation. We’ll also use our powers to regulate businesses to keep them - and consumers - safe.

We’ll help more small businesses to grow through Worksop Turbine, our dedicated business centre. We’ll also create innovative business opportunities at Top Wighay Farm, where we plan to build a range of offices, green spaces and other infrastructure, opening up more jobs for local people.

We’ll boost visitor numbers to Nottinghamshire through our Visitor Economy Strategy [PDF] which will support our heritage and tourism businesses. We’ll also offer a training and support programme for businesses in this vital sector.

We’ll help the adult social care market address problems with recruitment, retention and demand, while also ensuring care meets the high standards people deserve. We’ll also work with partners to increase the role of micro and community enterprises in the market.

We’ll work to strengthen the childcare and early years sector. This will ensure there are enough sustainable, high-quality childcare places for under-fives across our County.

We’ll supply extra support to help our vulnerable adults and young people access good quality local jobs. We'll work with businesses to improve the support offered to employees, so that everyone’s wellbeing at work is improved.   

We’ll use our commissioning power to add social and environmental value to Council contracts, so that we can boost job opportunities for those with long-term conditions, combat under-representation in the workforce, and improve social mobility.

In 2024-25, to achieve this, we will deliver the following actions:

So that we increase exposure to the local community and visitors utilising our weddings fayres, website and social media platform, whilst providing professional advice to prospective new businesses. Supporting them with up-to-date statutory requirements, marketing and promotional opportunities.

So that we support the generation of jobs, growth, and opportunity for local people, as well as supporting small independent businesses in Nottinghamshire.

So that businesses are enabled to trade safely and raise consumer confidence, through the provision of up-to-date advice and guidance.

So that we can attract and retain individuals who are drawn to caring for others and share our values. This will help ensure that we have sufficient levels of staff, particularly in more difficult to recruit areas, and will develop a strong, passionate, sustainable workforce.

So that the new development delivers an economic boost to the region, enables a sustainable community to develop and provides a County Council office base in the area.

To find out more about what we’ve got planned for the current year, you can read our full Annual Delivery Plan 2024-2025 [PDF].

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