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Ambition 8 Improving transport and digital connections

Our roads, transport and broadband infrastructure are essential for everyone. They bring friends and family together; grow businesses, markets and employment opportunities; open up training and leisure; and keep Nottinghamshire well connected.

Building on our autumn 2021 Highways Review, we're working on maintaining and improving Nottinghamshire's roads and footpaths. It’s one of our big priorities, and we know it’s important to residents too. We're improving our walking and cycling network, so people can be more active in the way they travel, and we're also encouraging people to use low-emission and sustainable transport where they can. Our Local Transport Plan will set out how we’ll improve our transport networks, prioritising those areas that would benefit most from better connections and making use of the latest technology and data to keep Nottinghamshire moving and thriving. Together, these steps will:

  • have a positive impact on people's health and wellbeing
  • help tackle issues like rural isolation
  • ensure the transport options we have meet demand
  • keep our County well connected
  • protect our environment, and reduce our carbon footprint.

The Big Notts Survey

  • Over 1 in 3 (38%) people said that less traffic was one of the positive things they would want to see continue after the pandemic. A similar proportion of young people agreed (34%).
  • Just under 1 in 5 (18%) people wanted to see less traffic and more walking and cycling in their local area.
  • Just over 1 in 5 (22%) people ranked improving the condition of the County’s roads and pavements as one of their top priorities for their local area.
  • Just over 1 in 10 (14%) named improved public transport as one of the things that would make Nottinghamshire a better place to live and work.

Over the next four years we will:

We’ll use a ‘right repair, right first time’ approach to improve our highways maintenance service, so roads and pavements are maintained to a high standard. We’ll focus our highways spending more on local roads.  We’ll also review and improve our working practices and make sure highway works offer best value for money. We’ll keep residents fully informed about local highways works.

We’ll continue to improve and join up local and regional transport connections, opening up employment, training, and leisure opportunities to everyone, and securing funding to develop new infrastructure where it’s needed the most.

We’ll promote and roll-out sustainable, low-carbon and healthy travel options and encourage people to try healthier, more environmentally-friendly ways of travelling. We’ll also promote options for cycling and walking to school and raise awareness of the harm to health, especially children’s health, caused by poor air quality. These will help reduce Nottinghamshire’s carbon footprint and improve health and wellbeing.

We’ll deliver improved bus services to make bus travel better, easier, and more accessible. We’ll also address rural isolation and use new technologies to make our services more efficient.

We’ll make walking and cycling part of our wider transport network, and ensure all new highways and developments are designed with walking and cycling in mind.

We’ll strengthen our enforcement of parking and bus lane restrictions, especially near schools, to help reduce congestion and make roads safer. We’ll also improve the way we monitor and coordinate roadworks, so essential works can be carried out with minimal disruption and congestion. We’ll make sure that new developments are safe and don’t impact negatively on road users.

We’ll ensure our ‘home to school’ transport services keep improving to meet the changing needs of children and young people across the County, wherever they live.

We’ll help homes and businesses in hard-to-reach locations get a fast and reliable broadband service. We’ll also continue creating the world’s first 5G network in a forest setting in Sherwood Forest, protecting the area while enhancing  the visitor experience. Finally, we’ll give businesses the space they need to develop and trial their own innovations using 5G technologies.

In 2024-25, to achieve this, we will deliver the following actions:

So that we improve the County’s local road, footway, cycling, and drainage infrastructure networks to enable residents to travel around the County easily and safely.

So that current EV owners have a range of options for charging their car across Nottinghamshire, reducing range anxiety. This will also allow the transition of individuals to EVs for those without access to off-street parking and their own charge points.

So that passengers are confident that they can make their journey, with access to key services being available.

So that trips across the network can be made easily, at a sensible cost and that passengers feel confident services are available and are operating.

So that new developments are delivered in a manner that promotes safe and sustainable access to school whilst considering the needs of all users, including local residents.

To find out more about what we’ve got planned for the current year, you can read our full Annual Delivery Plan 2024-2025 [PDF].

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